A.W. Hill
11 min readJun 29, 2024

A.W. Hill

“Montségur has become a place of pilgrimage for all those who have realized that their souls have been stolen.” — Jean Markale, Montségur and the Mystery of the Cathars

“But I say that he who created and made the visible things of this world is not the true Creator.” — from The Book of the Two Principles, 13th c., attributed to John of Lugio.

Let me tell you a scary story. There is a good God, and there is a bad God, and they each hold equal pull on your soul. You are the rope in their cosmic tug of war. The bad God accounts for the evil in the world, and there is a lot. You might even say, especially on days when everything seems ready to take a sharp turn to the dark side, that evil defines the world. But the good God, who accounts for all that’s beautiful and loving in the universe, for the light that pours forth from a newborn star, puts up a good fight, doggonit. You might even say, especially on that day you hear your infant son or daughter laugh for the first time, that it’s the good God who keeps the universe from collapsing in on itself or flying apart, which the physicists tell us is only a matter of what they call a phase transition in the Higgs field, or maybe a bit more or less dark matter. Yes, in some ways, this seems a children’s story, or perhaps one for simple-minded adults who need a…



A.W. Hill

A.W. Hill is the author of the Stephan Raszer Investigations series and the upcoming MINISTRY. As Andy Hill, he teaches film scoring.